How do I find out who has cited an article?


There are a couple of databases that indicate who has cited a particular paper or article. These are Google Scholar and Web of Science.

Google Scholar

In Google Scholar, type in the title of your article. Put the title in quotation marks to indicate you are searching for the title as a whole. Example: “The Influence of Flow on Positive Affect in College Students.” Search.

Under the article, click the ‘Cited by (number)’ link to retrieve a list of the scholars who have cited the work.

Web of Science

Access Web of Science through the Library Database List. Type in the name of your article, indicating in the drop down that it is the title of the work. Then, click on the number that follows ‘Times Cited.’


  • Last Updated Jul 31, 2023
  • Views 84
  • Answered By Tristan Draper

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